Be prepared in the event of an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) or CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) by storing your most valuable belongings in an EMP resistant box.
This box is made from 3/16" aluminum plate welded together. The connection between the lid and the box uses three types of industry standard gaskets to form a robust Faraday cage. You can quickly enter and then reseal the box with six stainless steel clamps.
Initial testing on 13 Jun 14, indicates that you can expect a minimum of 50 dBm of shielding effectiveness from 100 kHz to 1 gHz, with a shielding effectiveness greater than 76 dB at 300 mHz and 66 dBm at 1 gHz.
For more detailed information about the Montie Gear Y-Shot slingshot, check out the Description tab below!
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