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Activated Charcoal absorbs toxic substances which often causes severe internal discomfort. This can be effectively relieved by using BodiCare Activated Charcoal. Mix BodiCare Activated Charcoal with BodiCare Crude Black Molasses for excellent results.
Recommended adult dose:
Reducing excessive flatulence: 1 g 30 minutes before and after a meal.
Digestion support: 200 mg once or twice per day.
Never use dry Charcoal, always mix well with water or oil as directed until particles are completely wet and soaked.
Not intended for children younger than 18 years.
Keep out of reach of children.
This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality safety or intended use.
Each 1 g contains:
Activated charcoal 1 g.