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C-Tec ActiV Class A2 Standard (60°C) Fixed Temperature Heat Detector - C4403A2
The C4403A2 Class A2 fixed temperature heat detector generates an alarm condition if the temperature within the protected area reaches a temperature of between 54ºC and 65ºC. Heat detectors are typically used in environments where smoke detectors cannot be installed, for example, in areas susceptible to fumes, airborne materials and smoke such as in kitchens, loading bays, workshops, wood mills and nightclubs.
Other detectors from the ActiV range include; C4403A1R which is a Rate of Rise Heat Detector, C4403B which is a 75°C Fixed Heat Detector, C4414 which is a Heat & Smoke Multi-Sensor and the C4416 which is a Optical Smoke Detector.
Key Features